Android Rooting method: Bin4ry
Steps of the method:
1.- Download Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry_vXX
2.- Extract Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry_vXX using 7zip,winzip,winrar,unzip,… or another decompressing application.
3.- Put your phone on USB Debugging mode (activate checkbox on Settings>Development options>USB debugging or Settings>Applications>Development>USB debugging).
4.- Only Windows users: Make sure Android drivers for your phone are installed in your PC. If not, you can find some drivers in this page.
5.- Connect your smartphone to the PC.
6.- Linux users only: You must run “chmod 755 ./” and “chmod -R 755 ./stuff” command in a terminal.
7.- Double click the RunMe.bat (Windows user) or run ./ (Linux users) and follow instructions!
8.- Select the correct mode.
Normally many users must run the option 1 (Normal mode)
Xperia phones with “older” firmware = Normal mode
Sony Tablet and similar = Special mode
Xperia phones with JB Firmare = Mode 3 (Goroh_kun mode)
Xperia phones with “older” firmware = Normal mode
Sony Tablet and similar = Special mode
Xperia phones with JB Firmare = Mode 3 (Goroh_kun mode)
9.- If you want to check if you are already root or superuser in your Android phone or tablet you can download HowToRoot app from Google Play Store and click over the padlock in the top-right of the screen. It will show you a message about if your device is rooted or not.
Download sources:
Remember, you must root your device at your own risk.
Other important informations read before rooting:
Updated to v26 – Fixed Problem with last step of mode 3. (Now rm -rf of busybox is used instead android one which misses -f flag)
Normal Mode will not wipe any other data, don’t worry!
Special Mode CAN wipe your data, Rollback SHOULD restore, but to be sure backup you data somehow!
New Mode SHOULD be able to root all new Sony Firmwares like 2.55 and higher where Normal mode was failing.
Normal Mode will not wipe any other data, don’t worry!
Special Mode CAN wipe your data, Rollback SHOULD restore, but to be sure backup you data somehow!
New Mode SHOULD be able to root all new Sony Firmwares like 2.55 and higher where Normal mode was failing.