Robi Circle -
CIRCLE is a unique, mobile-centric, SMS-based social network.
This liberates the experience from a web connection
and makes it available to anyone with even the most basic mobile phone. It also
lets you access the social network whenever you want, anywhere you bring your
mobile making it a deeper part of your life. Only Robi has this service in
Charging for Buying Points
150 points
350 points
Points Charging for using CIRCLE
User will get 500 points
System will charge 5 points
System will charge 10 points
System will charge 10 points
System will charge 100 points
CHAT msg
System will charge 10 points
To get registered simply dial *140*8880#
Two options will appear: 1. REG 2. JOIN
Choose option 1, and then enter your name.
You can also use the shorter form
CREG [space] [your chosen nickname] send to 8880
Choose option 1, and then enter your name.
You can also use the shorter form
CREG [space] [your chosen nickname] send to 8880
- Nicknames are not case-sensitive.
- Ninja, ninja, NiNjA are all the same.
- Ninja, ninja, NiNjA are all the same.
your own Circle
Create your own circle where members can join and receive your
shouts, comments & pokes.
Likewise, you can join circles of other members and receive their shouts, comments & pokes
Likewise, you can join circles of other members and receive their shouts, comments & pokes
To join a member’s circle, just dial *140*8880#
Two options will appear: 1. REG 2. JOIN
Choose option 2, and then enter your friend’s name
You can also join other’s CIRCLE by sending CJOIN [nickname of member]to 8880
Choose option 2, and then enter your friend’s name
You can also join other’s CIRCLE by sending CJOIN [nickname of member]to 8880
out of a member’s circle
To leave a members circle, send
CXJOIN [nickname] send to 8880
CXJOIN [nickname] send to 8880
purchase & share
Points are the currency you use in CIRCLE.
- All transactions involve points. You either gain points or use
points balance:
- You can always check your points balance by sending CBAL to 8880.
- When you run out of points, you can purchase them by sending
CPOINTS [150/350] to 8880
Eg: CPOINTS 150 and send to 8880
- You can always check your points balance by sending CBAL to 8880.
- When you run out of points, you can purchase them by sending
CPOINTS [150/350] to 8880
Eg: CPOINTS 150 and send to 8880
- You can share points with others by sending
CSHARE [amount] [nickname] to 8880
Eg: CSHARE 10 ninja and send to 8880
CSHARE [amount] [nickname] to 8880
Eg: CSHARE 10 ninja and send to 8880
Interaction with CIRCLE is always done through keywords.
- You can get help with these keywords anytime by sending CHELP and send to 8880
- You can also get help about a specific keyword.
- You can also get help about a specific keyword.
CPOKE to 8880
- Return information about CPOKE keyword
- Return information about CPOKE keyword
for Members
- When you are new, you can always look for members to make
friends with.
- Send CWHO to 8880 to see some members you can communicate with.
- You will receive a list of nicknames, not their phone numbers!
- Send CWHO to 8880 to see some members you can communicate with.
- You will receive a list of nicknames, not their phone numbers!
out about someone
If you want to know something more about a person before you
decide to
communicate, you can use the CWHO command as well.
communicate, you can use the CWHO command as well.
- Write CWHO
[nickname] send
to 8880
- Just add the nickname of the person you are trying to find out after CWHO
- Just add the nickname of the person you are trying to find out after CWHO
ninja to 8880
System will generate info against the nick you asked for.
Circle: 250 (Number of members in ninja’s circle)
Shouts: 1250(Number of shouts ninja has sent)
U r in Ninja’s circle
Circle: 250 (Number of members in ninja’s circle)
Shouts: 1250(Number of shouts ninja has sent)
U r in Ninja’s circle
you want to know the CIRCLE members of a person
- Just send CWHO
[nickname] fol and
send to 8880
- System will generate list of CIRCLE members of the specified person you wanted to know.
- System will generate list of CIRCLE members of the specified person you wanted to know.
own information
Others may want to know who you are
- You can set your name, birth-date
and gender with CSET
- CSET N [name] for name.
- CSET B [DDMMYY] for Birth-date
- CSET G [M/F] for gender
- CSET B [DDMMYY] for Birth-date
- CSET G [M/F] for gender
CSET N Moshiur > 8880
CSET B (ddmmyy)> 8880
CSET B 180680> 8880
CSET g m > 8880
CSET B (ddmmyy)> 8880
CSET B 180680> 8880
CSET g m > 8880
with Others POKE
Poke is a fun way of telling someone that you are thinking of
- The message is sent straight to their phones and not to their
SMS inbox
- To poke, simply send CPOKE [nickname] [msg] to 8880
- To poke, simply send CPOKE [nickname] [msg] to 8880
CPOKE Ninja lunch today? Send to 8880.
You can shout a message out with the CSHOUT keyword.
- Your shout message will be sent to all the members of your own
- Simply send CSHOUT [your shout message] send to 8880.
- Simply send CSHOUT [your shout message] send to 8880.
CSHOUT Briyani in Boro Hazi is so yummy! Send to 8880
on shouts
What if you want to comment on a shout message?
- You can do that with CCOM
- To comment just write CCOM [name] [msg] send to 8880
- To comment just write CCOM [name] [msg] send to 8880
Ninja: Briyani in Boro Hazi is so yummy!
CCOM ninja Fakruddin is better! Send to 8880
CCOM ninja Fakruddin is better! Send to 8880
- You
can create a chat room and invite friends to chat at any time.
- A chat room is kept for a period of 3hours. However, you can extend this if the chat session needs more time.
- Chatters can enter and exit the chat room at any time during the session
- A chat room is kept for a period of 3hours. However, you can extend this if the chat session needs more time.
- Chatters can enter and exit the chat room at any time during the session
a Chat room
- To create a chat room, send CHAT ROOM to 8880
- Once the room is created, you can invite friends to join by sending CHAT INVITE [nickname]
- You can also invite many friends at once by sending CHAT INVITE [nickname1] [nickname2] [nickname3] ... CHAT INVITE ninja moshiur jane jackel send to 8880
- To create a chat room, send CHAT ROOM to 8880
- Once the room is created, you can invite friends to join by sending CHAT INVITE [nickname]
- You can also invite many friends at once by sending CHAT INVITE [nickname1] [nickname2] [nickname3] ... CHAT INVITE ninja moshiur jane jackel send to 8880
a chat room
- Users need to receive an invitation in order to join a chat room.
- Once the invitation is received, the invitee can enter the chat room by sendingCHAT ENTER [initiator’s nick] send to 8880, like CHAT ENTER ninja send to 8880
ninja invites you to chat in his/her chat room. To enter, reply CHAT ENTER ninja send to 8880
- Users need to receive an invitation in order to join a chat room.
- Once the invitation is received, the invitee can enter the chat room by sendingCHAT ENTER [initiator’s nick] send to 8880, like CHAT ENTER ninja send to 8880
ninja invites you to chat in his/her chat room. To enter, reply CHAT ENTER ninja send to 8880
Here are other chat keywords
CHAT: Returns the list of CHAT keywords
CHAT INFO: Returns some information about the chat room
CHAT LIST: list of the nicknames of those who are in the chat room
CHAT OUT: Get out of the chat room
CHAT KICK [nick] :Kick a user with given nickname out of the chat room (can be used only by the creator of the chat room)
CHAT CONT: Continue using the chat room after the expiry time (can be used only by the creator of the chat room)
Here are other chat keywords
CHAT: Returns the list of CHAT keywords
CHAT INFO: Returns some information about the chat room
CHAT LIST: list of the nicknames of those who are in the chat room
CHAT OUT: Get out of the chat room
CHAT KICK [nick] :Kick a user with given nickname out of the chat room (can be used only by the creator of the chat room)
CHAT CONT: Continue using the chat room after the expiry time (can be used only by the creator of the chat room)
friends to join CIRCLE
[msisdn] then
send to 8880 System will generate a sms asking that
person to join CIRCLE. Here B party will get sms mentioning the sender’s nick.
Why would you want to
leave such a fun service?
- Anyways, if you have to leave, you can send CSTOP send to 8880.
- Your nickname, points and friends will be kept for 90 days.
- If you rejoin within 90 days, you may get them all back.
- If you come back later than 90 days, you will have to start afresh.
- Your nickname, points and friends will be kept for 90 days.
- If you rejoin within 90 days, you may get them all back.
- If you come back later than 90 days, you will have to start afresh.
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