How to get approved Google Adsense account through YouTube
Maximum blogger starts blogging with lot of dreams. Almost everyone wants to
earn through his/her blog site and their first choice is Google Adsense. But
nowadays it is very difficult to get approved Google Adsense account through
blogspot site. Many bloggers become disappointed and give up blogging or try
alternative ways of google adsense because they didn't approve by Google
Adsense while applying a lot of times. If you one of them so this tutorial is
specially for you. After reading this tutorial you can approve your google
adsense account within 2 hours. Now we are going to show you how to
Approve Google Adsense account through YouTube within 2 hours.
How to Approved Google Adsense account through YouTube:
Google Adsense approval process Through YouTube
Lets Start Step by step :
- At fist Create a new gmail id. You can also use an old Email you but never
- use the gmail id by which you have already disapproved By Adsense.
- Login on YouTube by the Gmail id.
- Upload a new video on YouTube. Don't upload any downloaded video. Download your own captured video.
- Go to My Channel >>Click on your Video Title>>Channel Setting>> Select United State as your country as the images below:
Some Countries Like Bangladesh are not allowed to monetize YouTube
Videos that's why You must have to change location as United State.
- Then go to To Monetize your
- Video Channel
- Enable Your YouTube Channel For monetization as like the images below :
- If you have followed these step correctly then you will be get a new mail
- on your inbox by saying "Your account is now enabled for monetizati
on" like the image below :
- Now your YouTube Channel is ready for Monetization and you earn through Your YouTube videos. But how it is possible? To earn through YouTube
- Videos Now You have to create an Adsense account. Lets see how to create the account :
- Now go to Channel Settings>Monetization .There will be someInterrogative sentence like the image below. Click on “How will I be paid?”
- Now click on “associate an Adsense account”
- Then Click on "Next"
- You will be redirected to Adsense
- Thenfill up the Adsense Application form accordingly, Your payee name and address carefully with your correct information and use your own country name on the location option. No need to use United State this time if you are out of United State.
- Click on Submit.
Now wait 2 hours and check your mail inbox after 2 hours.You will be got a mail
like the image below within 2 hours:
Congratulations!! You have approved by adsense :)
This is a hosted google adsense account. You can use this account on your
blogsite or website. You will be provided by the mail about the details information
about How to use your hosted Adsense account on website on next time. Now l
ets see how to use the Adsense account on your Blogger's blog site.
- login to your Blogger account (where you want to show ads) click on earning
- tab.
- Click on switch Adsense account
- Login to your Adsense account to associate your approved Adsense account with your blog
- Then you should get another congratulation message on your Adsense account and Adsense gadget will be added to your blog. Now you can use
- up to 3 adds on your blog site. Your ads will be show on your blogsite within 30 minutes after you adding.